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How to Activate Clairvoyance?

Published 26/06/2024 by Joanne Jones

How to Activate Clairvoyance?

Clairvoyance, which means 'seeing clearly', can be defined as knowledge or skills derived from extrasensory perception, gaining information about an object, a person, a place, or a physical event through means not involving the standard physical senses.

The gift of Clairvoyance has been historically an object of wonder and enigma. Some cultures and religious traditionalists consider Clairvoyance to be an intrinsic energy, an attainable form of awareness, and a direct experience of the world beyond the limits of the physical senses.

This step-by-step guide will give you the spiritual knowledge to learn how to activate clairvoyance abilities using step-by-step techniques. It will also teach you to look at different practices and approaches to stimulate and enhance one's clairvoyant awareness to unlock your true potential.

Read our article on How Do Clairvoyants Work?

Understanding Clairvoyance: The Extrasensory Vision

The term 'clairvoyance' literally means 'clear seeing' and is commonly used as a synonym for the 'sixth sense' or psychic seeing. It is not seeing into the future as commonly portrayed in popular culture but sensing an event's history and current activity, seeing energies, auras or visions that contain information about the past, present or future possibilities.

Trusting your intuitive abilities as a natural extension of your human sensory abilities is the key to learning how to activate Clairvoyance.

Developing a Clairvoyant Mindset: Cultivating Awareness

To begin the process of learning how to activate Clairvoyance, you need to practice heightened awareness. Being more aware and present in the moment requires daily mindfulness practice.

You can start the process of becoming a clairvoyant by regularly practising being more inwardly aware, especially by doing daily meditation and cultivating a more attentive awareness of one's intuitive and emotional feelings.

Being aware of feelings and trusting them will reinforce the feeling-mind aspect of becoming more psychically developed.

Opening the Third Eye: The Gateway to Clairvoyance

The Third Eye represents inner vision and intuitive insight; it is believed to be in the centre of the forehead just above the two physical eyes, which are its symbolic and energetic counterparts.

Common practices include going to its location in meditation, making affirmations about inner vision, and performing yoga or other body-mind disciplines that balance the system of energy vortices in the body.

How to Activate Clairvoyance?

Meditation for Clairvoyance: Tuning Into Inner Visions

Meditation is frequently used when learning how to activate Clairvoyance and is probably the best method because it clears the mind and allows it to connect with the absolute, deep within. It also helps to visualise during meditation.

Use your visual imagination to picture calm energy or light whilst meditating; it will assist you in turning on your clairvoyant ability. You can clear your mind with meditation, allowing your mind to expand in its ability to perceive other senses, not just sight.

Visualisation Exercises: Sharpening the Inner Sight

Visualisation exercises are also important when learning how to activate Clairvoyance.

Experts suggest starting with simple exercises, such as visualising colours and shapes, and then moving on to more complicated scenes with vivid images.

Another useful exercise is 'scrying'—gazing into a reflective surface to relax the mind into a psychic state where one might be open to psychic visions or symbolic imagery.

Connecting With Spirit Guides: Seeking Guidance From Beyond

Many traditions and gifted clairvoyants say that Clairvoyance requires the intercession of spirit guides, who guard over us from other dimensions.

Contacting spirits is primarily about reaching a state of mind where one can communicate with spirit guides and receive intuitive messages through deep relaxation and receptivity.

Techniques include guided meditations, setting conscious intentions to be open to receiving a message and being alert for messages that arrive through prophetic dreams, sudden 'ah-ha' insights, or synchronicities that arrive during one's day-to-day life.

Working with a spirit guide can supercharge your clairvoyant powers by creating a direct avenue to quiet, often-untouched parts of your mind.

Enhancing Intuition Through Symbolism

If you are trying to learn how to activate Clairvoyance, keep your eyes open for the symbolism around you.

Symbolism acts as a pathway to greater intuition by connecting the conscious with the unconscious mind through the lenses of symbols. When we are attuned to identifying random patterns, recurring symbols, or repeated weird coincidences, we can simply observe them and let nature take its course.

However, if we want to accelerate our growth and develop strong clairvoyant abilities, we can try to translate what these symbolic patterns are saying.

Learning the 'language' of tarot, runes, or angel cards could sharpen our intuition by virtue of training us to identify and interact with symbolic content.

Dreamwork for Clairvoyance: Messages in the Dream Realm

Dreams are the surest route to the subconscious mind, where information is subconsciously gathered. They offer access to our inner workings, possible futures, or potential futures, as well as the visible and invisible worlds.

Active engagement with dreamwork involves more than just recalling dreams; it also includes interpreting and using them for personal and spiritual development, which plays a big part in learning how to activate Clairvoyance.

Attention to the content of dreams and the effect (feelings) they generate can determine the relationship to the issue and provide clairvoyant data (messages to inform the dreamer and lead them forward).

How to Activate Clairvoyance?

Keeping a Dream Journal: Unveiling Subconscious Messages

Just recording dreams is a crucial step toward effective dream work. Keeping a dream journal (writing the raw contents of a dream just after waking up) helps preserve the information of the dream that might be soon forgotten in the wash of waking daily events.

When one keeps a dream journal over time, interesting patterns can emerge, indicating something about one's deeper psychic propensities or issues that are not yet resolved.

A dream journal acts as a sort of mirror, reflecting your unconscious intuitions and thoughts – the intel that you really need to crack the code of learning how to activate Clairvoyance.

Energy Clearing and Alignment: Preparing the Psychic Pathway

This may take the form of clearing auras or chakras, energy healing, aura cleaning, or the like. Activities like this help clear 'energetic' blockages so that the intuitive information will flow freely. This will help purify the mind and body to become a vessel for psychic phenomena.

It is suggested that energetic clearing should be a regular activity to heighten sensitivity to the 'subtle' and make it more conducive to clairvoyant development.

Crystals and Clairvoyance: Harnessing Vibrational Energies

Renowned for their psychic energies, crystals are said to be especially good for learning how to activate Clairvoyance.

Different kinds of crystals vibrate at different frequencies that can be used to become more psychic by opening the third eye, which facilitates clear sight and psychic abilities. Amethyst, lapis lazuli and clear quartz are often used for psychic faculties, as well as for safeguarding against negative energy).

How to Activate Clairvoyance?

Crystal Gazing: Divining Insights Through Crystal Scrying

Often, you need merely to focus on the crystal, to gaze intensely and concentrate your attention – in effect, to meditate. During this meditation, the crystal will have the power to settle your mind. As it does, your intuitive processes will reveal visions and images that may appear within its depths.

Regular scrying will gradually open up the psychic channels, making you more receptive to such clairvoyant insights and accepting the wisdom of their messages.

Developing Psychic Artistry: Expressing Intuitive Visions

Psychic artistry comes from using creative expression to receive and translate spontaneous visions. Intuiting a shape or scent and drawing, painting, or sculpting are two ways to do this and carry the clairvoyant experience into an artistic expression. It will also offer a therapeutic release of psychic information, which is so helpful in the early stages of psycho-spiritual development.

Imaginative activities can stimulate the mind and produce more avenues for psychic information to flow, making them an enriching practice for those learning how to activate Clairvoyance.

Strengthening Intuition Through Tarot and Divination

Tarot and other divinatory methods are wonderful practices for people who wish to learn how to activate Clairvoyance and develop their psychic muscles. They not only cast light on present and future possibilities but also serve as a way of receiving messages from the subconscious mind.

Deliberately working with tarot and other divinatory methods facilitates the development of psychic awareness. Messages that resonate will be noticed more and more.

Tarot Spreads for Psychic Insight

Tarot spreads are arrangements of tarot cards that assist in defining and amplifying psychic insight. The Celtic Cross, a widely used tarot spread, is structured into different positions. The purpose of a spread is to ask a question, and each card in the layout will give further advice on the situation.

Nature Connection: Communing With Elemental Energies

Connecting with all things natural and elemental is a key step when learning how to activate Clairvoyance as it helps with psychic 'opening'. To aid this, get outdoors and spend some time in forests, on mountains, or near lakes and rivers. If you do so, you will find your energy centres becoming more attuned to the rhythms of your dwelling place on the Earth.

Each elemental energy – air, fire, water, and Earth – has its own voice and vibration that can be used to gain new insights, or ways of seeing, for clairvoyant practices.

Psychic Development Exercises: Practical Techniques

There are various practical drills you can do to tune your psychic antennae.

One of the best drills is aimed at sharpening your distance-viewing skills (what psychics call remote viewing) or your information-tuning skills in general (for instance, by learning psychometry – the reading of objects to gain information about them).

Drilling enables you to train your mind to a state of receptivity, where it can pick up psychic information without any interference from the logical processes of the left brain (the hemisphere associated with language and reasoning.)

Read our guide on What Is the Difference Between a Psychic and a Clairvoyant?

Group Practice and Validation: Sharing Clairvoyant Experiences

Group practices can also play an indispensable role in learning how to activate Clairvoyance. The presence of other people who are also exploring their psychic capacities can be an excellent way to support their own development.

Sharing psychic experiences with such fellow travellers offers an affirming environment for psychic development.

Validating one's experiences is necessary for developing confidence in one's Clairvoyance, and studying the insights and techniques of others can also offer useful new perspectives and methods for improvement.

Overcoming Doubt and Blocks: Nurturing Confidence

Large hurdles you may need to battle are negative self-talk and psychic blocks.

A sense of confidence is essential in approaching any type of clairvoyant ability, so it is vital to bring a sense of affirmation and psychic training to one's daily practices.

A great way to build confidence is to acknowledge your intuitive skills out loud daily. Self-affirmations and positive specific intentions help to strengthen psychic skills and to bring a sense of self-assurance to your testing zone.

Regular visualisations help to strengthen intuition. It is also prudent to set small, attainable psychic goals. These form the consistent training procedures that help to build your psychic muscle group, bit by bit.

Journaling the Clairvoyant Journey: Reflecting on Progress

For those who want to log their path to Clairvoyance, keeping a journal often proves a valuable tool, regardless of one's level of success. It's instructive and inspiring to look back and see the crescendos and swells of progress and feel the growth and transformation that can come from staying centred in a clairvoyant practice.

Seeking Guidance From Professionals: Clairvoyant Readings

If you want to learn how to activate Clairvoyance, find an experienced clairvoyant who can teach you the tricks of the trade, give you specific guidance about how to perfect your clairvoyant skills, and even show you how the expert masters can bring you to the next level.

Of course, you'll need to know how to spot a real clairvoyant rather than a 'charlatan', as they've been dismissively called, but there are ways to do that as well!

As with any profession, learning from a real expert can give you a sense of how to structure and discipline yourself if you want to become a professional clairvoyant.

Clairvoyant Readings

If you're eager to learn how to activate Clairvoyance or unlock your psychic abilities, you can call an expert live psychic reader at Trusted Psychics UK to guide you through the process. You can also contact our experienced readers for a personal and professional Clairvoyant Reading.

It can be a real eye-opening experience, taking your spiritual awareness to higher levels. Trusted Psychics UK offers personal readings from highly skilled psychic practitioners who specialise in a range of focus areas, including Clairvoyance.

You can easily talk to a clairvoyant over the phone or by using the well-loved Live Messenger online chat.

During your session, an expert clairvoyant can guide you on how to activate Clairvoyance and provide you with techniques to help you tap into and enhance your special abilities.

It doesn't matter whether you are a beginner curious about your extrasensory abilities or someone more experienced hoping to deepen your psychic insights; Trusted Psychics UK caters to all levels, offering a supportive and enlightening environment for spiritual and personal growth.


How Do You Use Clairvoyance in a Sentence?

Clairvoyance is normally used in sentences to describe a special ability to perceive or predict events that are not apparent to the senses. For example, one might say, "She claimed her clairvoyance allowed her to see the outcome of events before they unfolded, which often gave an upper hand in negotiations." In this context, Clairvoyance refers to a metaphorical or literal foresight that provides insight into future events, emphasising an extraordinary perceptual ability.

How Do I Activate Clairvoyance in DBD?

The perk Clairvoyance in the game 'Dead by Daylight' (DBD) can be activated and has requirements.

Clairvoyance can be activated if the character is injured and has reached a certain percentage of the status of repairing generators, curing the teammates, or cleansing totems. These are the requirements for activating Clairvoyance.

To activate Clairvoyance, you need to stand still and press the activate ability button that activates your active abilities. Once you activate it, you can see where different objectives, items and exit gates are located. Clairvoyance is a perk that gives the characters the advantage of tracking down necessary resources and giving them a strategy for their escape.

Is Clairvoyance Good in Dead by Daylight?

Its violent nature might also be highly beneficial in Dead by Daylight, especially for the players who prioritise strategic and situational planning over other perks.

The ability to perceive the auras of objectives and objects when injured allowed players to accumulate critical pieces of information to make in-game decisions. For instance, weaving through the dark fog to search for an exit gate after having the generators powered up or finding missing key items to stay alive.

However, such a benefit might be situational or case-specific, which makes it helpful for specific players in a particular game.

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