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What Is Claircognizance?

Published 05/07/2024 by Rosemary Anne

What Is Claircognizance?

There are many different 'clairs', some of which you may be aware of and others of which you may be unaware. This article will discover some of the well-known and lesser known 'clairs', beginning with Claircognizance.

The word 'clair' translates from French as 'clear' and is followed by various gifts/abilities, such as claircognizance and clairsentience.

One of the most notable signs of claircognizance is a random flash of acquired new information not based on prior knowledge or understanding. In other words, a person is just ‘given’ a thought, idea, or insight seemingly out of nowhere.

Most of the time, this new information is correct and without any known reason as to how or why one was even given the information in the first place.

Claircognizance: The Psychic Sense of Clear Knowing

This is the ability of some psychics to connect to a person, an item or a place and 'know' things about it. It is sometimes described as a feeling of almost remembering it as if it were a past event or even a fact that has always been known to the psychic, even though they have only just felt it.

What Is Claircognizance?

Claircognizance vs Other Psychic Senses

The difference between the gift of Claircognizance and the other ‘clairs’ and psychic senses is that Claircognizance is the only one that is not ‘felt’ as such. You do not feel it, you do not see it, hear it, or pick it up in any other way; you just know.

This one, ‘Clair’, is the most difficult to explain as how did you just ‘know’? How can you ‘know’ something without seeing or hearing it beforehand?


Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive beyond the range of the normal human senses, accessing information about events and facts. It allows the subconscious mind to receive intuitive messages and insight about people, situations, and events.

Clairvoyance is also known as the ability to receive psychic information to provide people with a deeper understanding of their future or receive visions or images about someone or a place.

This type of psychic ability can take many forms, such as visions, dreams, or sudden intuitive insights.

If one's clairvoyant ability is fine-tuned, one may use it to dream past, present, and future events.

However, developing the clairvoyant ability to enter distant past times and events that are no longer in existence can be quite difficult. Many sceptics view clairvoyance as a natural phenomenon, while others believe it can be developed.

Despite their scepticism, most individuals have had profound experiences and come to believe in clairvoyance.


Clairaudience is the psychic practice of receiving messages through hearing, even if inaudible to the human ear. It is classified as a type of extrasensory perception (ESP). It has been defined as ‘the experience of hearing voices … or sounds, music, tones, rhythms, and messages that one feels to come from a source that can be identified as outside the human body’.

It is closely associated with other forms of Clair and received spiritual or paranormal awareness. Clairaudients frequently hear voices, sounds and music that even the most sensitive human ear cannot detect or a voice that speaks to, advises, or guides the clairaudient.

Although the experience of Clairaudience is hard to describe or defend scientifically, many report experiencing it at some point in their lives – whether in a spiritual, religious, or psychic context – or as part of a variety of divinatory uses.

Translated as 'clear hearing', Clairaudient psychics get their information and answers by hearing them. This might be messages from a spirit guide, music, or other sounds that connect to the reading or the person they are reading for. They might hear a song that means something to the person they are connecting with or hear words such as names, dates, etc, which will validate their validity.


Clairsentience is a psychic ability to sense or feel subtle energies or vibrations. It is sometimes also described as sensing or feeling emotions, moods, or physical sensations in other people or the environment.

Clairsentience may be experienced through dreams, visions, physical sensations, or simply an intuitive sense.

A hallmark of Clairsentience is the detection of energies that are non-physical, non-visible, and non-touchable, emanating from other people, animals, plants, and indeed inanimate objects.

The information can be received regardless of being near such a targeted, energetic entity. They are considered informative and useful, notwithstanding that they cannot be validated through the five senses or other instruments of physical measurement and quantification.


Clairsentience is a psychic ability to sense or feel subtle energies or vibrations. It is sometimes also described as sensing or feeling emotions, moods, or physical sensations in other people or the environment.

Clairsentience may be experienced through dreams, visions, physical sensations, or simply an intuitive sense.

One of the signs of Clairsentience is the detection of non-physical, non-visible and non-touchable energies emanating from other people, animals, plants, and indeed inanimate objects.

The information can be received regardless of being near such a targeted, energetic entity. They are considered informative and valuable, notwithstanding that they cannot be validated through the five senses or other physical measurement and quantification instruments.

Clairsentience isn’t just about sensing energies, either; it can sometimes extend to influencing them as well, such as through the healing of others, cleansing a space of negative energies, or amplifying positive energies in the environment.

Clairsentients can use their gifts to help others by instructing them on how to open their psychic abilities, but what clairsentience has in common is, first and foremost, the ability to communicate emotionally.


Clairalience translates to clear smelling. Some people describe it as a barely detectable hint of scent, such as the sweet perfume of a flower or the appetising smell of wafting bread; others report a stronger and unusual scent, such as the odour of smoke, perfume or even decay.

Clairalience has various etiological theories. Many believe that it is a keen sense of smell, a sixth sense, so to speak. Still, some believe it is an extrasensory perception whereby a person can tap into the energies of the afterlife.

Whether it was built up over a lifetime or not, developing clairalience skills is a means to self-improvement and spiritual growth for many people.

Signs of Claircognizant Abilities

The main sign to be aware of in most Claircognizants is how they often experience coincidences, like thinking a word just before someone says it or thinking of a song just before it comes on the radio.

Psychics with the gift of Claircognizant have strong intuitive insights. One of the common signs of Claircognizance is that a person will know when something is a great idea and when a plan should be cancelled. They are great at answering questions about things they don't know.

Claircognizant people often experience sudden insights, where they will, seemingly out of nowhere, gain intuitive guidance relevant to the person they are with or their situation.

These excellent psychics have many vivid visions and dreams and will get a lot of their information and guidance from these dreams. These dreams are different from regular dreams as they somehow feel more 'real'.

The dreams or the information and messages within them may not make any sense for a time, but they will always connect in one way or another when the timing is right.

Claircognizant people have truly great problem-solving skills. They can easily interact with all sorts of people in all manner of situations, helping to get past any issues or barriers and toward success.

Claircognizant Readings

Claircognizant readings are made possible through a higher level of intuition that allows the psychic to read the collective unconscious, the cosmic capacity of intelligent life, the surrounding subtle energies, or some amalgam of these. This psychic connection enables the Claircognisant to ‘just know’ or ‘just understand’.

Some telltale signs of Claircognizant skills are flashes of insight, true inspirations and intuitions, and gut feelings that are later borne out.

While other people might see chaos, Claircognizants have intuitive abilities that can spot connections and patterns. They can often see beyond surface appearances, tapping into abstract concepts to notice hidden, multi-layered nuances of any situation.

In a Claircognizant reading, the psychic receives the information, usually as a sudden insight, idea, or mental image. Another signal is often a surge of desire, a strong intention to pass along a specific message, a message of ultimate truth.

With the right work, Claircognizant readings can provide the same illuminating insights and directional guidance on all the most significant issues impacting one's livelihood, from relationships to careers to personal growth. Not all psychics are claircognizant, and not all claircognizant readers are equally good.


What Is a Claircognizant Empath?

Claircognizants are often, but not necessarily always, empaths. Empaths are incredibly sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others.

These gifted people will not only 'know' but will also be able to feel these emotions and thoughts during a reading or in their usual daily lives. These psychics are incredibly sensitive people who find that they can pick up on many things wherever they go.

Are Claircognizance and Intuition the Same Thing?

No. Although there are many similarities between Claircognizance and intuition, they are not quite the same.

Where Claircognizance is a form of intuition, intuition is not a form of Claircognizance.

With Claircognizance, it is a knowing that comes spiritually, while intuition is seen more as a natural part of who we are, a little like a safety barrier that we all have.

The gift of Claircognizance and intuition really do go hand in hand in many ways, but there is no denying that they are separate.

Can You Develop Claircognizant Abilities?

Absolutely! Like any of the 'clairs', you can work with your senses to develop your own clairs. There is a wealth of information online about spiritual practices, and you can speak with other psychics, read books, and so much more to help you find ways in which you can develop your Claircognizance.

The most important way to develop any psychic gift is to nurture it. Meditation is essential, as this technique allows you to switch off, tune in to yourself, and sense and receive messages.

It can prove helpful to keep notebooks around you so that you can jot down anything you pick up as you go along. Even if it doesn't make much sense at the time, it might do later.

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