Published 26/07/2024 by Rosemary Anne
A zodiac signs ruling planet can greatly impact a person's personality traits, relationship dynamics, compatibility, career choices, and so much more. Literally, every aspect of your being can be affected by your ruling planet.
To illustrate how the most intuitive and emotional sign of the zodiac might be strongly influenced by its ruling planet, look at Cancer. What planet rules cancer? Cancer's ruling planet is the majestic Moon.
If we pay close attention to Cancerians' character, habits, and behaviours, it can become more revealing how the ruling star influences them.
The planetary ruler of Cancer is technically not a planet but Earth's natural satellite, the Moon.
The phases and cycles of the Moon are keenly felt by Cancer water signs, who tend to be sensitive, emotional, and intuitive. Considering that the Moon is the closest celestial object to Earth and is responsible for the formation of tides and waves, it is no wonder why Cancer natives are highly empathetic, sensitive, and caring.
So, we've answered the question of what planet rules cancer, so now you need to know how the Moon can influence your zodiac sign. Its energetic and sensitive energy strongly influences the cardinal sign of cancer, which the Moon dominates.
The constantly changing Moon phases are associated with Cancer's fluctuating moods and intuitive abilities. They affect the person's mood swings and intuition, forcing them to feel extra sensitive to energy levels and emotions and the emotional tension of those around them.
Cancerians are seen as people who are very sensitive to their own feelings and the feelings of others. They are often called compassionate or are believed to have a sixth sense or empathic abilities.
Cancer moon signs are impressively emotionally intuitive people. The Moon's presence makes many Cancerians highly nurturing, sensitive, caring, and protective of people in their daily lives.
People born with a zodiac sign of Cancer tend to be tight-knit, emotionally giving of themselves, highly attuned to and empathetic about the needs of others and want to create a safe and loving home environment for their family.
The quintessential Cancerian can also be moody, withdrawing, and have emotional unrest, thanks to the Moon's waxing and waning.
In romantic relationships and other types of interpersonal relationships, Cancer is looking for security and loyalty from their partner, as well as a strong sense of connection and closeness.
Cancers ruled by the Moon are loyal and affectionate partners who are in it for the long haul. Their best matches or most compatible signs are with signs that can provide the stability and understanding that a Cancer needs to feel secure: fellow cardinal Water signs, Pisces and Scorpio, and earth sign, Taurus.
Although Cancer has great emotional sensitivity by nature, sometimes their need for emotional stability can lead them to make wrong assumptions, and open and frank discussion is necessary for Cancer relationships.
This Moon signs nurturing and sympathetic nature, which means they are naturally drawn to care-giving careers. At the same time, their compassion makes professions requiring support and understanding well-suited to their natures.
Teaching, nursing, social work, and counselling are all possibilities for the Cancerian's opposition to the Sun or their need to help those in need.
The cancer-ruling planet, the Moon, also sparks inherent creativity and possibly an artistic nature – the tendency for melodrama might make the Cancerian prone to a literary career.
In contrast, their intuition makes them a natural writer or poet. Any career that encourages the expression of the Heart, since the Moon rules it, might be successful for the nurturing crab, who always aims to assist, comfort, and serve in some way.
To make the most of the Moon's influence, make sure that you give yourself space to practise self-care so that you can continue to connect to your own emotional ebb and flow. You'll be much more generous and giving to others if you don't run yourself ragged.
Find the enjoyment of spending time in nature, be mindful, practise your craft – whatever your current creative outlet–and try to rack your brain on what ideas you can sew into your day-to-day life. You'll feel better if you give yourself space to process your deep emotions.
Gaining knowledge and understanding the phases of the Moon can help you manage the ever-changing emotions that come with the various moon cycles and give insights into why you feel a certain way or are more inclined to participate in particular activities.
A horoscope reading is a spoken version of your astrological birth chart tailored to you as an individual. It tells you the A to Z about your zodiac sign and can explain the personality-influencing power of the Cancer ruling planet, the Moon.
The ruling planet of each zodiac sign has a great influence, and each ruling planet influences specific zodiacs in different ways.
Ruling planets can affect your personality, mood, and character, so it's good to know as much as possible about your ruler planet and how you may feel the effects.
The live psychic readers at Trusted Psychics UK have detailed knowledge of astrology, zodiac signs, and astrological houses, and you can be personally affected by them.
If you want to talk to an expert astrologer on the phone or over the web on a Live Messenger chat, they will analyse the positions of the planets at the exact moment of your birth and use their psychic abilities to interpret the traits and tendencies of you and your zodiac sign, offer guidance on how to harness the planets influence as well as provide astrological predictions on up and coming events.
A horoscope reading can help you get to know yourself better by understanding your Cancer personality traits, deepening self-awareness, and overcoming potential battles in the journey through life with ease.
Due to their intrinsic connection with Cancer's ruling planet, the Moon, cancers are known as 'moonchildren'. This nickname indicates the Moon's very significant relationship with Cancer's emotional and intuitive nature.
Just as Earth's natural satellite and celestial spheres regulate the tides, it also regulates the moonchild's emotional tides, making them the most sensitive signs of the zodiac, highly receptive to and influenced by their psyche. This nickname suggests the moonchild's 'motherly' and protective essence and reflects the nurturing property associated with the cancer-ruling planet.
As the cancer-ruling planet, the Moon affects cancer zodiac signs more than any other zodiac.
With the full moon lunar cycle, Cancers become more emotionally aware and connected with their intuition than usual. This will also likely translate to increased emotional responses while illuminating deep and hidden internal and external truths.
Sensitivity also tends to run high with a full moon, leaving Cancers open to fluctuations in mood and possibly the need for space and solitude to process their elevated emotions. Armed with the knowledge of how a full moon impacts them, Cancer people can tune into the changes they're experiencing and take charge of their states of mind.
The cancer-ruling planet is the Moon because of the deep, symbolic, and energetic connections between this celestial body and the sign's characteristics.
In ancient astrology, the Moon symbolises feelings, intuition, and the subconscious – all traits closely connected to Cancer.
The cyclicality of the Moon's phases reflects the ever-shifting emotional states and inner rhythms of Cancer people. Its nurturing and protective qualities align perfectly with the Cancer impulse to provide comfort, care, and nourish others. This planetary rulership represents the primary traits of Cancers' role as the babysitter of the zodiac, inspired by the powerful and changeable luminary of the Moon.
Contact Trusted Psychics for daily horoscope readings and learn how your zodiac ruling planet affects your life today and every day.
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