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How to Invoke Angels for Guidance?

Published 30/09/2024 by Rosemary Anne

How to Invoke Angels for Guidance?

How to Invoke Angels?

Evoking angels is a divine and spiritual act of inviting in both heavenly angels and personal guardian angels on your path to seek guidance, protection, and comfort. They'll help your progression in life when you call upon their pure light and divine energy.

Calling on the healing light of angels makes you feel at peace when you feel vulnerable and protects you when you feel fearful. Invoking angels can help you heal through uplifting messages and guidance to push you forward, create positive energy and tackle any emotional blockages or obstacles on your spiritual journey.

What Does Invoking Angels Mean?

To invoke angels means to ask the angels to come into your life and provide divine assistance. Invoking is when you consciously open lines of communication from yourself to your angels.

Creating the spiritual connection can be done through powerful prayer, meditation, or simply by speaking aloud about your needs so that you may call upon their spiritual energy and presence.

Invoking the angels asks them to enter your sacred space and enfold you in their celestial light, giving you guidance or providing healing. It is an act of faith and trust, knowing they will always be there and are eager to respond to your call with love and wisdom.

How to Invoke Angels for Guidance?

Why Would You Invoke Angels?

People learn how to invoke angels for all kinds of reasons: they may want an angel message to direct them on how to approach a particular situation or to ask an angel to protect them to feel safe in a moment of vulnerability.

The role of angels is to help humans along their spiritual path when life makes you feel overwhelmed, confused, or stressed. Invoking your guardian angels calls their energy into your life, trusting their divine intervention and angel blessings to guide you from stressors or to provide guidance when making difficult decisions.

Whether you are feeling overwhelmed by anxiety or facing challenging situations, calling your angels can lend you some perspective and nurturing energy, empowering you to face life's challenges with confidence.

Seek Guidance

Guardian angels from the spiritual realm can be relied on for their guidance when you are feeling confused and unsure on the best direction to take in your life. By invoking an angel, you open yourself up to receive the full redemptive power of their love and wisdom, piercing the veil of uncertainty surrounding your questions so that the answers can flow into your life.

Often, an angel will guide you, teach you, communicate and manifest through signs, a knowable thought, intuition, or the intuitive light of inspired awareness. An angel might illuminate your true path and empower you to choose and decide the best way forward.

Need Instant Help

For anything that might require a sudden intervention or a swift solution, requesting an angel in times of distress can instantly bring the help you need.

There are often in our lives that we feel worried or overwhelmed, our sense of calmness or well-being has disappeared, or a sudden fear or crisis has arisen in our current circumstances. The angelic realm arrives to surround you in its protective energy; it speaks calmly to the hurting and confused to help resolve the cause of the stress and disruption.

Invoking angels will aid you – swiftly – amid physical, emotional, or even spiritual danger and evil spirits.

Want Protection

Requesting the presence and assistance of angels is a way to draw a protective shield around your space. An angel's presence and power can repel negative energy, protect you from a dangerous situation, and shield you from painful emotions.

Angels have a warm, glowing, and loving energy that can support you through grief or a difficult change or protect you when you are emotionally exhausted and in need of uplifting spiritual guidance.

Looking for Comfort

Spiritual healing is a popular reason people want to learn how to invoke angels for guidance. In the most difficult times in our lives, when we feel overbearing sadness, grief, and pain, angels' protective presence and divine guidance can help us get through everyday life.

When you feel sad, experience a loss, or experience intense heartache, invoking angels and their healing power can bring deep comfort to you, enveloping you in a sense of peace and tranquillity.

Ways to Invoke Angels

There are many ways how to invoke angels for guidance and protection. From traditional angel meditation styles to spotting signs in the form of angel numbers, you can use plenty of methods to invoke them in your practice.

There are no wrong ways to welcome the angels and open your spiritual channels to the ethereal beings. Here are the most popular and reliable ways how to invoke angels for guidance, each one fostering a deep sense of connection with the spiritual realm:

Angel Cards

Angel communicators love to use the well-loved decks of Angel cards or oracle decks, which are practical tools many use to invite angelic guidance into their lives. These decks are designed to create access to angels and channel messages straight from the angelic realm, giving insights, clarity, and support.

If you're a beginner learning how to invoke angels for guidance, your best way forwards is to start with Angel cards.

To work with angel cards, you shuffle the deck, focus your mind, ask a specific question, or set an intention, and then draw a card or spread. The guidance that comes through is clear and inspiring, offering answers and guidance on your path of spiritual growth.

Angel cards help invite you to stay connected to the angelic presence in a tangible way, making them seem nearer and more direct.


If you're new to invoking angels, meditation can be a powerful way to establish a connection.

Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Visualise the presence of the angels or a soft, angelic light surrounding you. Meditate for at least a minute, calling upon the angels in silence with a clear focus and intent.

This practice can help you connect to the spiritual realm and receive angelic assistance, making it easier to tune into their messages and feel their presence.

How to Invoke Angels for Guidance?

Angel Numbers

Pay close attention to signs around you. Angel numbers are numbers that repeat, such as 111, 222 or 444, that angels send to help guide you. These numbers appear when needed most and should be taken as clear signs that angels want to communicate.

Take notice of angel numbers in your everyday life, whether you see them on a sign, at a bus stop, or in a newspaper – you can invite the angels into your existence. They will come, answering your questions, providing support and guidance. Each angel number has a general spiritual meaning, and you can then relate the general meaning to what it means for your personal situation.

Read our guide on 333 Angel Number Meaning.


Visualisation is a well-used tool that helps you connect with angels; you don't need special powers to do this. You can use your imagination to visualise an angel to feel you have a direct psychological connection with the angelic realm.

Sit quietly, close your eyes, and imagine an angel coming forward into your consciousness, bathed in abundant light. Visualise them encircling you, warming you, protecting you, guiding you. After visualising the angel, ask for help or guidance about something you're concerned about. This helps you connect with the angel's visual and energetic form so that you appear to be connecting with a real presence.

Assistance From a Medium

Calling on the angels can be a talent you need to practice and develop.

A Psychic medium can teach you how to invoke angels for guidance, or they can communicate with them on your behalf and pass on a message of wisdom. You can also invoke angels by enlisting the help of a live psychic reader psychic medium.

If you are unsure how to invoke angels for guidance, using a professional psychic reader is the best way to communicate with them clearly. Psychic Mediums act as translators, passing messages from spirit guides, angels, and other spiritual beings to the physical realm.

Genuine psychic mediums can receive information, angel messages and intuitive insights about personal situations. Channelling your angels with teletherapy or psychic abilities can invoke the angels to assist you quickly. A reading with a psychic medium is the most popular way to receive angelic insights.

Requesting Specific Angels

By calling upon a particular angel, you may shape exactly what kind of divine intervention your questions and requests will receive. Depending on what kind of help you need – healing, protection, communication, or spiritual ascension, invoking the right archangel will direct the energy exactly where you want it. Actively calling upon the specific energies of that archangel will help you heal, protect, communicate, or ascend.

Archangel Raphael

Traditionally described as the archangel of healers, Archangel Raphael is the angel to call upon when you need assistance with your well-being, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. His energy is soft, soothing, healing, and supportive, making him a comforting presence to invoke when you or a loved one is unwell. Call on him to help heal yourself and others when invoking this angel. Visualise how his emerald-green light surrounds you to lessen pain and bring renewal or restoration.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is a great warrior and angel of protection. Angel Micheal has the angelic energy to call on when you need courage and strength. If you need protection from an evil spirit or negative energy, danger, or fear, call upon his energy, which is strong and commanding and will send courage your way. Ask him to enshroud you in brilliant blue light, which will encase your body as a shield of protection.

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel is the angel for communication and innovative creativity, who you can call on when you need clarity, are trying to express something more articulately, or are about to communicate a tense or complex message.

Archangel Gabriel can support and guide you when you have a message you urgently need to share. Feel his pure, translucent white light as it flows through you. Recognise the throat chakra and see its buttons and strands of blockages uncurl and release as the intense light softens and floods your throat. Call on Archangel Gabriel to help you speak the truth, send messages with love, or support your creativity at work or in creative personal projects.

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron is also known as the angel of spiritual ascension and divine wisdom, so he is your go-to angel when you are on a spiritual path. He helps you access higher consciousness, understand sacred geometry, and live in alignment with your spiritual purpose.

If you want to grow on a deeper, more spiritual level, invoke Metatron for spiritual enlightenment and greater clarity. To activate Archangel Metatron's energy, visualise his light around you in sacred geometric flow patterns or the shape of Metatron's Cube. Ask Archangel Metatron to help you expand your spiritual perception and access your higher self and divine knowledge.

Medium Readings

You might need to learn how to contact a particular angel or need extra clarification or someone to step in and facilitate easier communication. Times like these are when a Trusted Psychics live psychic reader or Live Messenger angel card reader can assist you.

A highly intuitive and developed live psychic reader can teach you how to invoke angels for guidance or invoke angel assistance for protection. You can think of a psychic medium as a messenger, an intermediary between us and the realm of the spirit world. They can call upon any angel you wish to work with and help you understand their personal messages of guidance.

After receiving direct answers from your angels, understanding the angelic messages and specific areas or problems they relate to can be difficult. Having a psychic reading with a medium can help you fully understand the angelic messages and how to use the guidance contained within them.

Medium readings are beneficial when you want to develop a stronger connection with your angels and need guidance when making major life decisions, working through your spiritual journey, or healing.


How Do You Connect With Angels?

Learning to connect and invoke angels for guidance begins with intention and a welcoming heart. Find a quiet place to rest, unplug, and focus on your breath. Speak aloud or silently call out to them (you can use their names or ask for 'any angel who is here now') and ask them for guidance and assistance. Then, imagine the angelic light surrounding you and reach out to accept it when you feel it.

Meditation, prayer, or journaling are all great ways to expand this experience. Trust your feelings and be patient; angel energy often comes subtly but will grow stronger the more you let it in.

What Are the Signs That an Angel Is Around You?

Angels offer signs and messages to show their presence in your life. Often, it's a gentle nudge or a small sign. Sometimes, angels will leave you undeniable proof if they feel you're ready. Seeing common angel numbers like 111 or 444 is the surest sign of their presence.

You might hear whispering, sense a reassuring or peaceful presence, or find a feather (angels are known to leave signs such as feathers for humans). Feeling a sudden gust of wind, flickering lights, a sudden warmth, or coolness are also messages.

If you're feeling sad, notice if your sadness disappears, as if something or someone has taken the sadness away.

How Do I Know If an Angel Spoke to Me?

Angels may speak to us using words that come into our heads, an intuitive feeling inside, or even through a dream. If you have an epiphany, a sudden burst of clarity, a shift in the way you're thinking, an inner voice of encouragement, or receive answers to a question you've been bothered with, then it's very likely that you are receiving a message from an angel.

A message from an angel will generally feel uplifting and positive.

How Do You Call Angels?

To call angels, speak aloud from your heart with good intentions. Whatever you ask, you can pray with it, meditate on it, or even write a letter to your angels.

You can ask your angels for guidance, protection, or healing. Once you've requested your angels, try to imagine a bright light or a sense of peaceful energy around you, as if they have already begun to answer your call. Keep an open mind and trust that those called will manifest and help.

Does Everyone Have a Guardian Angel?

Yes, each of us is believed to have at least one guardian angel to look after us for our entire life. Guardian angels are assigned to protect, guide and comfort you on your life's path. They communicate with you through signs, intuition, and synchronicities.

Although you might not always see or feel their presence, your guardian angel is always with you and will come to your aid should you call on them. You can build your relationship with your guardian protector through regular communication, prayer, or meditation.

Contact Trusted Psychics, the world-class psychic and medium platform. Learn more about how to invoke your Guardian angels today.

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