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What Is Numerology?

Published 16/08/2024 by Sarah Lutterloch

What Is Numerology? A Beginner Guide to Numerology

Numerology has been around for centuries, and it is an age-old study of how numbers and their energies can be used to influence the world around us and gain insight into the human experience.

Many forms of Buddhist, Kabbalistic, and Christian faiths have had centuries-old connections to the study of numbers. This beginner's guide is aimed to help people gain a useful introduction to Numerology with tips, hints and even some useful step-by-step information about getting started.

To begin your journey in Numerology, you first need to understand the qualities associated with each number. Then, you can investigate how those energies play out in your experience and how they can be used to direct you along the path.

With a little more cognitive effort in learning and creativity in application, we can use it to discover life resources that provide motivation and meaning.

Numerology Explained

In Numerology, the implications, along with the consequences of numerals and their resonances, are examined. However, the energetic oscillations carried by numbers influence humans on a celestial level.

We are all uniquely impacted by the vibrations of the numbers since every single one is distinctive. According to Numerology, an old mystical study, numbers have far more special significance than meets what is initially apparent.

Like any other object, a person has an inherent vibration, according to this philosophy frame. A form of ancient divination, Numerology looks to the cosmos for solutions by examining patterns of numbers and combinations between them.

Numerology gives numerical importance to nearly every aspect of your life, including your birthday, home address, name, and even phone number! Numerology is a potent tool for discovering concealed relevance in your life and the universe.‎

What Is Numerology Used for?

Numerology is an effective strategy that many individuals use to figure out what they're supposed to do with their lives and make beneficial life choices. From our attributes to the outcomes of future events, it provides a framework for comprehending the power of numbers in shaping the course of our lives.

Numerology may shed light on the elements that will shape a person's future, making it an invaluable instrument for personal forecasting. Numerology's predictive capabilities help individuals more effectively prepare for future opportunities and obstacles, easing the way through life's inevitable peaks and valleys.

Naming is another popular application of Numerology. Numerology may assist with choosing names that bring about certain outcomes, whether for an infant or a company. For this reason, many people carefully consider the energy they hope to attract when adopting a name since the numerical values of the initials in a name determine its character and prospects.

Regarding self-improvement and making tough choices, numbers are also your best companion.

Numerology provides valuable insights into a person's personality, abilities, and potential by examining critical numbers that come from their complete name and birth date, involving the Life Path Number.

A more satisfying existence might be one's destiny when this self-awareness helps one make more intelligent choices that are in harmony with one's authentic self and life's objective. By providing a more complete picture of who you are and how others see you, Numerology might additionally enhance your relationships.

Numerology helps people better understand their fellow humans and their relationships by shedding light on their desires, expectations, and compatibility. This, in turn, enhances and fortifies those relationships.

All things considered, Numerology is a highly helpful and informative instrument for gaining insight into one's life path, improving one's relationships, and guiding one's own development as an individual.‎

Origins of Numerology

The history of Numerology is complex and rooted in ancient beliefs and rituals.

Beginning in Mesopotamia, approximately 3000 BCE, the Sumerians created a numbering system based on sixty, which persists in current time management. Chaldeans, a Semitic people, devised mystical meanings for numbers, paving the way for contemporary numerological frameworks.

Egyptians used sacred numerals to direct their building of pyramids and temples, as numbers held spiritual prominence. The use of numbers in dreams and daily life reflects a trust in their divinity.

Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and mathematical analyst, had a significant role in the history of Numerology, approximately 500 BCE.

Pythagoras believed numbers were the foundation of the universe, and his Pythagorean numerology system ascribed values in numbers to alphabet letters. This approach revealed a person's features, abilities, and limitations, laying the groundwork for numerous numerological procedures.

In ancient China, a numerological method merged with philosophical traditions like Feng Shui and the I Ching. Chinese Numerology, promoting harmony and balance, has shaped Chinese culture, from construction to naming cultural customs. Numerology was widespread in the Middle East, particularly in Jewish Mysticism. Scholars searched for concealed significance in manuscripts and life events to understand the spiritual value of numbers.

The Renaissance saw the revival of Numerology in Europe, with scientists like Agrippa and John Dee incorporating it into occult rituals. In the 19th century, philosophers like Lévi and Papus popularised Numerology, paving the way for modern interpretations.

Modern Numerology evolved in the 20th century, integrating with psychology and the New Age movement to promote development and self-exploration. Numerology is a powerful instrument that brings ancient wisdom to modern spiritual activities, providing insights into life's secrets through numbers.‎

Number Meanings in Numerology


This single digit is solitary and independent. Numerology identifies 1 with self-reliance and autonomy. As a leader, 1 represents new beginnings and sovereignty, requiring no outside help to progress.

Everything in this world starts with the number 1. The emblem represents development in oneself, distinctiveness, enticement, and professional success. Its strong personality and independence are associated with leaders and athletes.


Number 2 represents emotions and sentiments. It signifies compassion and understanding. These individuals know the importance of a solid network of supporters and are often temperamental lovers.

The single digit 2 represents strong sensitivity, emotions, sentiments, and passion in Numerology. Additionally, it reflects collaboration, togetherness, and diversity. Although they flourish in pairs, this number may feel insecure and perplexed when alone.

Deep empathy and intuition help it comprehend others' needs and negotiate disputes. ‎


The number 3 represents innovation as a creative individual and communicator. A person born with this influence is a genuine versatile character with exquisite resolve and inexhaustible sociability. Those with this figure can adjust to any scenario and comprehend it.

The number 3 represents the Trinity and is known for its socialisation, expression, and inventiveness. It symbolises communication and engagement with yourself and humanity.

Individuals who are number three are highly sociable, creative, and clever. However, they may need to focus more and complete assignments. ‎


The number 4 represents construction and development. We are dealing with a realistic person who never acts spontaneously or by coincidence, as 4 represents the earth. 4 represents an earthling who values equilibrium, rationality, and discipline.

The methodical, rational, and pragmatic approach in number 4 minimises opportunity. It represents structure, order, and stability. Number 4 is action-oriented, organised, and heavily focused on direction. This personality type values regulation and accountability and resists novelties. ‎


It denotes life, actions, responsiveness, and liberation. It is based on the four fundamental substances: earth, water, air, and fire. Additionally, it implies children, powerful emotions, magnetism, curiosity, and novelty.

Freedom, joy, and love, as they say, number 5 depicts life! With zest, vitality, and curiosity, 5 enjoys all delights. Although open and affectionate, 5 struggles with devotion and acts impulsively without contemplating consequences.

As an independent traveller, 5 seeks new experiences yet battles to complete tasks owing to recklessness and absence of perseverance. ‎


The number 6 represents the balance between the material and spiritual aspects of human existence in the universe. It is a symbol of medicine, dietetics, beauty, and the arts. It symbolises home, splendour, affection, mediation, negotiation, diplomacy, and romance.

People impacted by it seek perfection, fairness, tranquillity, unity, and virtue. It enjoys helping people and is generous. The ideal romantic partner, 6, emphasises family and compromises personal demands for others. ‎


7 is considered the sacred number that represents seniors. The sign represents knowledge, spirituality, religion, mental energy, teaching, contemplation, psychological theory, and research. It symbolises loyalty, elegance, information, and independence.

Number 7 represents spirituality, wisdom, and luck. Deep thinking and analysis are its hallmarks. 7 is naturally introverted and needs social isolation, making love relationships challenging.


‎8 gains wisdom by mastering body and mind. The sign represents infinity, justice, reincarnation, and the future.

Eight represents the tangible world in Numerology. This bold and audacious symbol symbolises money, power, dominance, and sexuality. As a natural leader, 8 succeeds in material endeavours but may become extreme and risk debt owing to a desire for prosperity. ‎


In Numerology, the number 9 represents universal love, idealism, generosity, nobility, and the arts. It craves perfection, cooperation, pleasure, and exploration. These individuals are sensitive, compassionate, tolerant, non-conformist, dreamers, and whimsical.

Number 9 represents the conclusion of an ongoing process and the beginning of something new. Impactful and giving, ‎9 promotes equality and idealistic thinking, leading a life of relations and adventures.‎

What Are Master Numbers?

Master numbers are a promising component of Numerology. Master numbers are double-digit numbers with greater spiritual significance than others.

The multi-digit numbers are eleven, twenty-two, and thirty-three. Numerous other numbers, such as 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99, are not considered power numbers. They do not rank as a Master number due to their frequency.

Master numbers are considered to hold immense potential and unfathomable energies despite their distinctive harmonics and connotations in Numerology.‎

Master Number 11

Master number 11 is spiritually aware. These indigenous have enchanting talents and strong intuition. This group has boundless dynamism. Additionally, they are exceedingly sensitive and compassionate. They are naturally approachable and have larger perspectives and imagination. They prefer to go with the flow. They're devoted and dedicated partners.‎

Master Number 22

People with Master number 22 are visionaries and leaders. These individuals aim to achieve their most ambitious dreams. These people have great potential and can grow from their experiences. These individuals are positive at work and disciplined in life. They strive for remarkable achievements and prioritise meaningful and valued pursuits. This might lead to early hopelessness and upset when people have small life ambitions.

People with master number 22 are lucky. Conversely, they are idealists who disregard others' opinions when making judgements. They prioritise sustaining intense desires for themselves and those they cherish.

Master Number 33

People with Master 33 are helpful. People with intrinsic principles and a drive for creativity make them wonderful companions. Despite hardships, these individuals remain positive and generous towards others. They are rigorous and strict. Additionally, they effectively convey desired arguments. They possess leadership characteristics, making them effective orators and teachers.

They are vulnerable and adore flattering to complete jobs. They are compassionate and love to encourage others. They prefer not to deal with uncommon or strange things. Their healing aura is their domain of expertise. Their sensible, rational attitude additionally grabs interest.‎

How to Calculate Numerology Life Path Number?

The sum of your birth date's digits is your Numeric Life Path Number. The sum of 0+7+1+4+1+9+9+0 equals 31, for instance, if your birthday is the fourteenth of July 1990 (07/14/1990). To simplify the value of 31, we can add 3 and 1 to get 4. This means that 4 is your Life Path Number. Nothing is done to further lower the sum if it is a master figure (11, 22, 33).

Determine your fundamental character qualities and ultimate life mission with the help of your Life Path Number.‎

Read our article on the numerology life path calculator.

How to Calculate Numerology Destiny Number?

Write down your full birth name. Each letter in your name corresponds to a number:

1 — A, J, S.

2 — B, T, K.

3 — L, C, U.

4 — M, D, V.

5 — N, E, W.

6 — O, F, X.

7 — P, G, Y.

8 — Q, H, Z.

9 — R, I.

Say your name is "John Smith." Then, J=1, O=6, H=8, N=5, S=1, M=4, I=9, T=2, and H=8. One plus six plus eight plus five plus four plus nine plus two plus eight equals forty-four. Reduce 44: 4+4= 8. Your Destiny Number, consequently, is 8.‎

Numerology Reading With Trusted Psychics

A numerology reading is one of the various divinatory techniques that assigns meaning or spiritual energy to numeric values and then ascribes to a person's life meaning based on the totality of those numbers. In this way, the assigned numbers serve as a guide to the client's life.

Numerology readings usually begin with the numerologist asking the subject for their birth date and full name. The numerologist then calculates a life path number for the person using their birth date and name, which is seen as predictive of the outline of the person's life.

It is common for a numerology reading to include the calculation of several numerology numbers beyond the life path number, such as one's destiny number, soul urge number and personality number. These are obtained from different formulae using varied spellings of the person's original ascribed name and date of birth.

For many people, a numerology reading serves as an instrument for understanding themselves and their lives; others seek to find answers to growth, love, or spouses/partners and friends. For millions of people, Numerology's guidance provides a contour and a map, a sense of place and, perhaps, community.

Trusted Psychics numerology readers have an unmatched skill and precision in numerology readings. We are proud to have a team of highly respected numerologists who have been helping people, particularly prominent individuals, for a long time and are known for their perceptive predictions.

The abundance of 5-star reviews for Trusted Psychics is a testament to our dedication to providing highly customised and accurate readings. Our numerologists are committed to assisting clients in deciphering their lives' enigmas and providing guidance through the age-old practice of Numerology.

Those in search of a life-altering encounter should contact Trusted Psychics live psychic readers today by phone or our live messenger services.‎


How Do I Know My Numerology Number?

There are a few different ways to find out your numerology number. A numerology chart uses the predictive power of numbers to interpret someone's personal path and personality on a deep, intuitive level.

Numerology charts are an essential tool with which the numerologist is given a comprehensive personality profile in numerical code to better 'crack the code' of the subject's individual personality.

Most people get their Life Path Numbers by adding up the months, days, and years of their birth dates and then reducing them to a Master Number or a single digit.

A few other approaches are the Personal Expression Number, which is based on your entire birth name and represents your strengths and abilities; the Soul Urge Number, which is based on the vowels and shows your deepest inclinations; and the Personality Number, which is based on the consonants and shows how other people observe you.

Numerology can shed light on different facets of your character and future with the help of each number.‎

What Is a 7 in Numerology?

In Numerology, seven stands for analytical thought, spiritual development, and self-reflection. It is linked to profound introspection, the pursuit of knowledge, and the pursuit of truth. People with this number tend to be reflective, intelligent, and intuitive; they also value their own company and time alone for growth.‎

What Does 5 Mean in Numerology?

The Numerology meaning of the number 5 is transformation, independence, and new experiences. As a symbol, it stands for dynamism, flexibility, and a thirst for adventure. People with this number tend to be full of life, reckless, and energetic; they love to see the world and are not frightened of uncertainty.‎

What Is a 6 in Numerology?

Numerology interprets the number 6 as a balance, duty, and care symbol. A profound need to create equilibrium and help others is often associated with it, as is an overwhelming feeling of caring, family, and home. The public views those born under this sign as caring, dependable, and devoted to creating stable, passionate relationships.‎

What Is the Main Number in Numerology?

The Life Path Number is the most critical number in Numerology. Based on your birthday, this number indicates your fundamental traits, life's mission, and influential figures. Because it reveals your life's trajectory and character traits, it is the most important number throughout a numerology reading.‎

What Are Personal Expression Numbers?

Expression Numbers, Destiny Numbers, or Personal Expression Numbers are all determined by the complete name given to a person at birth. This figure represents the full extent of a person's abilities and potential.

You can learn a lot about a person's personality, strengths, and life's mission by adding up the numerical values of their name. Knowing one's innate strengths and how they show themselves to the outside world can be better understood with this number.‎

Contact Trusted Psychics today for an informative Numerology reading. Discover the power of numbers and what they mean to our lives.

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