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What Does a Rainbow Aura Mean?

Published 04/07/2024 by Louise Emma

Rainbow Aura Meaning and Personality

The iridescent rainbow colours of Rainbow Aura make it one of the rarest Aura colours. It is formed when Clear Quartz crystals are heat-treated with a range of precious metal vapours, such as Copper, Gold, Nickel, and Rhodium.

Even the name Rainbow Aura is said to imbue the stone with a certain meaning and identity: a high-energy stone with an ethereal feel, used chiefly in its smoky variety for healing.

Its energy is said to help heal and soothe the body and mind and is related to the crown chakra, the centre of higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.' Here, 'one enters the realms of illumination and higher mind.' The aura effect aids emotional balance and spiritual growth.

It is said that Rainbow Aura has the power to cleanse your aura (the energy around your body) and clear negative energies, promoting personal growth and a positive attitude toward life.

Individuals with rainbow auras are believed to possess a unique, uplifting energy with a strong intuition that is calming for those around them.

Read our guide on What Do the Aura Colours Mean?

What Does a Rainbow Aura Mean?

The aura of a rainbow is usually associated with persons of strong humanitarian and sympathetic traits.

Spiritual practitioners explain that each of the seven colours in a rainbow aura relates to one of seven energy centres in the body, referred to as chakras. Each chakra is assigned certain emotions and other characteristics.

Rainbow Aura Personality Traits

Spiritual psychics consider Rainbow Aura Personalities to have aura colours 'that spiral to create a kaleidoscopic effect like a rainbow', and their personalities are 'creative, intuitive, quick to temper, and filled with the deepest kind of compassion'.

People with Rainbow Aura Personality Traits are known for their effortless adaptability to their own place in life and circumstances.

They learn from all kinds of people about all kinds of things; their wide-angle aura vision enables them to see and love from multiple perspectives, and their colourful auras make them excellent communicators able to resolve most problems.

This creative energy manifests through writing songs, creating artwork, embarking on momentous projects, and other outlets where a person with Rainbow Auras can leverage their creativity for their own growth and success.

The second feature of Rainbow Aura personalities is that they're highly colourful and usually have a strong spiritual connection and psychic abilities. They have vivid imaginations and are unusually in touch with their instincts: they'll often pick up on the visual image or physical aura of other people.

Finally, Rainbow Aura personalities are characterised by their high empathy and uplifting energy. They care about others and want little more than to make the world better for them.

For Rainbows, compassion is central. Rainbows are attracted to work in counselling, social work, and humanitarian aid. They are apt to shine the light of their extra love onto others instead of upon themselves to encourage spiritual growth.

Different Rainbow Aura Shades

These have been created by a process that uses colour, a thought form, and a powerful force to create what is called a Rainbow Aura. This process is called vapour deposition. It works by depositing a very thin layer of metal, usually titanium, sometimes niobium, onto the surface of the crystal.

The reason that titanium produces a rainbow colour imparted to the surface of the crystal is because of the very thin layer of it, the vapour-deposited titanium. Depending on the thickness of this layer of metal, you will get different colours created in the Rainbow Aura.

There are some different colours of rainbow auras. Some people with rainbow auras think the colour of a person's aura might match their personality. Like other colours, people can attract attention; red might be sweet or impatient, while blue can be very friendly or sad.

Here are some of the most widely used Rainbow Aura colours with their overall colour palates:

Pale Rainbow Aura

The pale Rainbow Aura is characterised by its delicate and subtle combination of colours, which range from soft pink and pale blue to pearlescent white and light green.

This colour variation results from the electroplating process, which creates a thin layer of metal on the crystal's surface that interacts with the crystal's natural colours.

One of the unique features of the pale Rainbow Aura is its ability to instil a sense of calmness and tranquillity in those who use it for meditation or spiritual practices. This crystal's soft and gentle colours are believed to soothe the mind and promote relaxation, making it an excellent tool for those looking to reduce stress or find inner peace.

Furthermore, pale Rainbow Aura crystals are highly regarded for their healing properties. They are said to promote emotional healing, particularly for those who have experienced trauma or are struggling with anxiety and depression.

The gentle energy of this crystal is also believed to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness, making it a valuable tool for those seeking spiritual growth and development.

Bright Rainbow Aura

Perhaps the most popular shade is the Bright Rainbow Aura. As its name suggests, this shade features an incredible array of colours—deep Icarus reds, swirling oranges and deep yellows, some emerald greens, and slight splashes of pink.

The Bright Rainbow Aura is believed to bring creativity and intuition to the foreground and promote feelings of joy, hope, and a positive outlook on life.

Striped Rainbow Aura

Perhaps one of the most remarkable of the 'Rainbow' Auras is the Striped Rainbow Aura. This type of Rainbow Aura displays clear, distinct stripes of the rainbow's colours running vertically up the crystal.

The bright colours of the stripes are a series of pink, blue, and purple stripes melding together to give an ethereal, otherworldly look.

What adds substance to the aesthetic appeal of Striped Rainbow Aura (and distinguishes it from the plastic hues of fluorescent-lit department shops or seemingly identical crystals on sale online in China) is the claim that it carries an ethereal resonance with Nature that can calm the body and mind while promoting meditation, personal empowerment, clarity, spiritual growth, and more.

It encourages intuition and mental focus, is considered especially beneficial for the Throat Chakra, and is thought to be excellent for energising and balancing the chakra system.

Dark Rainbow Aura

The dark rainbow auras are intense shades of colour, usually consisting of a combination of dark blues, dark purples, and dark blacks. The dark rainbow auras most often represent anger, sadness and anxiety and usually indicate that the person is experiencing turmoil or difficult emotions in their life.

Bad feelings might be attached to those dark rainbow auras, but they can indicate a strong-willed survivor.

When someone is particularly downhearted, their aura can darken a little as part of the common process of psychic polarisation. Yet to see someone's aura darken in this way is not just to judge that they are unhappy but that they are set on finding a way to endure, let alone make their way out the other side of whatever is troubling them.

Remember also that there is not a single type of dark rainbow aura, from dark indigo to black; there are literally dozens of shades and types, all with different connotations.

Rainbow Aura and Relationships

The so-called' relationship stone' to which it is devoted is divine because rainbow aura quartz compositionally unites both yellow sapphire and white moonstone, a powerful combination of energy and femininity.

With this stone, we can encourage the formation of new relationships between students, beautiful arms to hug, and new friends.

Additionally, it helps to consolidate and strengthen existing relationships, such as marriages, families, and friendships, by aiding in the growth of communication, forgiveness and understanding between partners, relatives, and friends alike.

A major healing effect, for which it is in great demand, is for directing energy into the heart chakra, a resonance with this stone, which often makes it a preferred choice for working on relationship issues that require sensitivity to the other person's position.

Another unique property of Rainbow Aura is that it opens you up to compassion, a key quality for walking the world and avoiding and alleviating suffering in others.

Moreover, Rainbow Aura is said to help settle conflicts or disputes, and in promoting forgiveness, it brings deep understanding to one of the parties so that they may let go of resentment or old grudges. The relationship can move forward without ill will or hard feelings.

Secondly, Rainbow Aura allegedly catches the attention of romantic connections and those in new relationships already in progress. Its energy field is presumed to inspire many positive and loving people to come into one's life and cleanse negative energy that could be preventing you from forming happy, healthy relationships.

Rainbow Aura and Careers

Rainbow Aura should be especially useful in the context of art and design because it enhances creativity and imagination. It's also meant to assist individuals in expressing themselves more freely and confidently, which one would hope extends to their communication and work performance.

This, in turn, should enable them to develop and sustain more successful and personally fulfilling careers.

Rainbow Aura can sharpen your decision-making and problem-solving skills if you're a businessperson because it 'increases mental clarity'. Its wearer's ability to make superior judgments and progress up the corporate ladder will be enhanced.

It has been known that Rainbow Aura has been used in medicine to help heal physical and emotional illnesses of the body, too. This connection could be helpful in a nursing or counselling career for a person who has direct contact with patients who suffer from physical or emotional health issues.

Challenges a Rainbow Aura Can Face

Having all these cool benefits of being a person with a rainbow aura still means that there are several drawbacks to contend with. First and foremost, being rejected by others for having a rainbow aura is a serious risk.

People with a rainbow aura can look and act out of the ordinary, and others might find this aspect off-putting or alienating.

Another issue facing individuals with rainbow auras could be the fact that it might make them more sensitive to their surroundings. In turn, this might make you feel overstimulated or even anxious in places where things are messy and cluttered or where you have memories or experiences associated with the colours in your aura.

Moreover, some claim that because the rainbow aura is so eye-catching, you might find that people are drawn to you – and sometimes they might bring their yucky energies with them.

Of course, the fact that the rainbow aura vacillates in brightness or colour can also be disorienting.

At times, when the intensity of the airglow increases, brighter colours spread out, and the dazzling spectacle can be an uncomfortable experience for some. For such individuals, a consistent self or even identity can be hard to sustain.

Spiritual Readings

Trusted Psychics is a renowned online company that provides people with various psychic services.

As a long-time market leader in the field of online psychic readings, it employs only the most skilled and experienced live psychic readers with intuitive abilities who will provide quality psychic readings and psychic love readings that are strikingly accurate, enabling clients to reach the clarity and spiritual healing they need quickly.

Among the several services Trusted Psychics provides is spiritual reading, performed by expert psychics who are spiritually awakened and connected with otherworldly spiritual energies surrounding everything and everyone.

They use mediumship, the pull of the mind, and conventional divination tools to dig up the unknown secrets of people's past, present, or future and foretell them about their love life, career prospects, or simply their growth in life.

Trusted Psychics also offers speciality aura readers who are trusted to possess the 'sight' and can see and discern colour and patterns in an individual's aura. These readers can 'see' an individual's emotional, mental, and spiritual condition but also detect areas that require attention and healing.

Its psychics are chosen for their expertise, experience, and reputation for accuracy. The company tests its psychics carefully and provides training before making them available for clients.

In conclusion, Trusted Psychics is a platform for spiritual guidance that one can always rely on to receive accurate readings. All you have to do is visit the platform to get your reading done by calling a live psychic reader or choosing a specialist aura reader on the live messenger service, 24 hours a day.

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