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How to Read Tarot Cards?

Published 22/08/2024 by Joanne Jones

How to Read Tarot Cards?

You have arrived at the all-inclusive tarot reading guide. You will find the following guide extremely beneficial as you explore the complex world of tarot.

No matter your level of interest in tarot, learning its history, acquainting yourself with the various decks, or becoming an expert reader, this guide has everything addressed. Additional sections cover topics such as selecting appropriate tarot spreads, preparing your card collection for reliable interpretations, and analysing tarot cards for yourself and others.

Delight yourself in the mysterious and fascinating realm of tarot cards!‎

History of the Tarot

Tarot cards originated in Europe in the early 14th century as an Italian four-suited card game.

The "Visconti-Sforza" deck of cards from the mid-1440s was related to Italian royalty, while other important decks like the "Mantegna" (1470-1485), including the 15th-century Marseille, developed popularity.

During the 16th century, tarot became associated with mysticism. British astronomer John Dee purportedly used the cards for conversations with angels, tying it to the Mediaeval Memory system, which used symbolic imagery.

In the 18th century, French occult Antoine Court de Gébelin suggested that the 22 Major Arcana cards of tarot were based on ancient Egyptian wisdom.

In the 19th century, researchers like Eliphas Levi associated tarot with the legendary Hebrew Enochian alphabet.

Social attitudes about the tarot evolved in the late nineteenth century from a simple form of traditional fortune telling, a powerful tool for gaining unique insight and spiritual discovery into our lives by interpreting the tarot cards' symbolism and archetypal imagery.

Read our article on what is a tarot reading.

Standard Tarot Deck

There are 78 cards in a standard Tarot deck of cards. Many interpretations are possible based on the images and meanings of each single card. Separated from one another, the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana make up the deck.

Twenty-two numbered cards illustrating universal themes and significant life experiences constitute the Major Arcana. There are 56 cards in the Minor Arcana, organised into the four suits of wands, cups, swords, and pentacles, each representing a distinct element and facet of existence: earth, water, air, and fire with each card having an upright meaning or a reversed card meaning.

The difference between upright and reversed can, in fact, be the difference between two entirely different meanings for a card in a reading. The upright and reversed meanings of the cards are often fundamentally different and can make a huge difference to a reading. Many popular tarot readers use only upright meanings; others prefer working with both upright and reversed meanings.

It all depends on your preference and if you are reading with a specific issue or question in mind that might require the depth of detail offered by the reversed meanings. Or you might just enjoy the experience of a positive, uplifting reading by seeing only the upright meanings of each card.

Major Arcana

The Fool

The Fool is youthful and fragile. His lack of life experience makes him clueless about life's problems and promises. If The Fool tarot card appears in a reading, accept his accessible, enthusiastic energy and welcome the unforeseen without concern.‎

The Magician

The Magician tarot card acknowledges your uniqueness and various talents. These skills distinguish you from others and aid in starting new ventures or overcoming challenges. Seeing The Magician in your tarot reading indicates you have all the necessary resources to achieve your goals.‎

The High Priestess

The High Priestess tarot card is the most intuitive and connected Tarot card that signifies awareness. This card suggests following your intuition and listening to your inner voice. When this card appears in the reading, avoid seeking external answers and trust your intuition.‎

The Empress

The tarot's most feminine card promotes understanding, elegance, and romance. Her strong connection to Mother Nature and ability to absorb the vibrations of the natural world are immense influences.‎

The Emperor

The Emperor tarot card represents authority. He is a knowledgeable and influential figure who has attained this rank. He represents stability and reminds you of your extraordinary ability to influence your life and the results it produces.‎ When the Emperor appears in a career tarot reading, it normally signifies promotion within a career or success at finding a new job.

The Hierophant

The Hierophant is a celestial messenger. His expertise in spirituality and advice enables him to deliver these lessons in the actual world. When the Hierophant appears in a Tarot reading, it suggests following rules and adopting a spiritual standpoint on what is being discussed.‎

The Lovers

The Lovers tarot card indicates your close relationships. Your love life may require additional attention if it appears in your reading. However, this card additionally expresses your values and judgements. The Lovers could show up at a crossroads. Consider every possible outcome of the choice you are making.‎

The Chariot

The Chariot tarot card represents your innate drive and determination, indicating a potential victory. This card underlines the power of combining head, heart, and spirit to achieve success.‎


The Strength tarot card symbolises strength, a strong heart, and resilience to confront life's challenges. In a reading, this card indicates that you are powerful enough to overcome challenges and emerge stronger than before.‎

The Hermit

The Hermit craves solitude. He understands that solitude is essential when dealing with experiences in life. If The Hermit appears in your reading, you will find the solutions from within.‎

The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card is ever-changing, offering opportunities at both ends of the continuum. This card suggests that life is temporary and that you should value the teachings that the moment brings, whether good or unfavourable.‎


The Justice tarot card is your strong but fair reminder that every action has repercussions. Your current situation results from past actions made by you and others, demonstrating natural cause and effect. Aim to act fairly in all interactions when this card appears in your reading.‎

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man tarot card indicates that by making small sacrifices you will receive positive outcomes. You may feel anxious and overwhelmed when The Hanged Man shows in your reading, but by focusing on what is not working in your life, you will feel a weight lifted off your shoulders.


The death tarot card is associated with the water element. Although it is often misinterpreted in a reading, it indicates change and a process of transformation when guided by intuition.


The Temperance tarot card master’s moderation. She advocates patience and letting life flow around you rather than attempting to control it. If Temperance appears in the reading, it suggests adapting to changes and being adaptable.‎

The Devil

The Devil tarot card symbolises weakness and restriction. You may feel stuck if this appears in your reading. You may feel anxious and confused about finding a way forward, but by remaining focused and determined, you will succeed and find solutions.‎

The Tower

The tower tarot card symbolises annihilation. It commonly occurs when life seems to fall apart, and you feel helpless. This card advises letting go. Remove the weakest aspects of your life to develop a strong and stable one.‎

The Star

The star tarot card symbolises hope and healing. Her relaxing presence conveys themes of regeneration, optimism, and inspiration. When The Star surfaces in the reading, it suggests that the cosmos is on your side and that you ought to trust your path.‎

The Moon

The Moon tarot card indicates buried emotions, uncertainties, and worries. In a reading, The Moon may indicate that your concerns triumph over your belief in the prospects that lie ahead. Be cautious, and don't trust everything you perceive, sense, or imagine. By recognising and dealing with your emotions, you can reduce concern.‎

The Sun

The Sun tarot card symbolises joy, life, and optimism, making it truly inspiring. The Sun appearing in a reading indicates positive progress and progress. Focus on the positive situations and people around you now and always.‎


The Judgement card combines the past and future. You must analyse your past decisions and activities to ensure they align with your future goals. Don't let the Judgement card hold you back from making beneficial modifications in the future.‎

The World

The World tarot card is the last Major Arcana card, symbolising completeness and fulfilment. You are in the right place when it appears in your Tarot Reading. You've gained a deeper understanding of yourself and are now prepared for the next chapter in your quest.‎

Minor Arcana

Every suit in the Minor Arcana has fourteen cards: Pentacles, Cups, Wands, and Swords. A total of 56 cards make up the Minor Arcana. Four Court Cards, Page, Knight, Queen, and King come after each suit, numbered from one (Ace) to ten. So, they're not unlike standard playing decks, except that they have an extra card.‎


In tarot, the Cups cards stand for emotions, feelings of intuition, and interpersonal connections. In love, these cards can show you the way, and in processing your deepest, darkest emotions, they can help you evolve.‎


Initiative, creativity, vitality, and action are the themes of the Wands cards. They point the way through life and tell you when to move forward and when to slow down.‎


Complex duties are the focus of the Swords deck. In times of impending strife, they can forewarn you and provide guidance on how to channel your inner resilience.‎


Your career and financial affairs are the subjects of the Tarot card known as the Pentacles. You can use these cards to get answers to questions regarding your health, material possessions, family, finances, and long-term objectives.‎

Choosing a Tarot Deck

Founded in 1909, the Rider-Waite deck is a globally renowned and usually the personal preference of most seasoned readers.

William Rider commissioned the deck, devised by visionary and scholar Arthur Edward Waite and drawn by Pamela Colman Smith. Its deep symbolism and elaborate artistry across the entire 78 cards, including the 56 Minor Arcana, set it apart from previous decks that relied on simple emblems.

Modern Tarot interpretation depends on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, which emphasises storytelling through images and psychological insight. It remains a fundamental tool for both readers and occult historians.‎

Crowley-Harris Thoth

The Crowley-Harris Thoth Tarot deck was crafted by occultist Aleister Crowley and artist Lady Frieda Harris in the late 1930s and early 1940s. It is a very symbolic and esoteric deck.

The Thoth deck, named after the Egyptian god, embodies Crowley's occult knowledge system, blending horoscope, alchemy, and Egyptian mythology. Lady Harris creates vivid, abstract, surreal artwork depicting Crowley's mystical teachings.‎

Golden Dawn

The Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn, which emerged in the latter half of the nineteenth century, promoted mystical research and practice and the study of metaphysics and the occult.

Famous members of the Golden Dawn include Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, William Wynn Westcott, and Aleister Crowley. The Golden Dawn utilised several symbols, including astrological and elemental, and focused on unlocking the meanings of the universe.

The Wild Unknown

Kim Krans introduced the Wild Unknown Tarot in 2012, a modern Tarot deck. This deck is notable for its hand-drawn, minimalist artwork, emphasising natural aspects such as animals, vegetation, and more.

Using animals and abstract shapes, The Wild Unknown offers a unique, spontaneous strategy for an accurate tarot reading, unlike typical decks that depend on human figures. With its basic yet powerful imagery, the deck is accessible to both novices and expert readers, encouraging personal interpretation and introspection.

The Shadowscapes

Stephanie Pui-Mun Law's Shadowscapes Tarot features exquisite watercolour graphics in her unique, precise manner.

The Shadowscapes deck builds on the Rider Waite Smith legacy but is not a mere copy. Law dissected conventional card images, analysed their significance, and created new portrayals based on her new perspective. The Shadowscapes Tarot offers a fresh and inventive approach to tarot, blending symbolism and storytelling in a fantastic environment.‎

Gendron Tarot

Famous for its unusual and eye-catching artwork, the Gendron Tarot was initially published in 1991 by artist and magician François Gendron. The deck combines conventional Tarot significance with Gendron's striking visual style, incorporating graphic graphics and colours.

Rooted in ancient traditions, the Gendron Tarot is an esoteric tool for soul-actualisation and higher self-functioning, supporting consciousness expansion.‎

Black and White Tarot

Illustrator and designer Victor P.'s Black and White Tarot (released in 2000) is known for its remarkable monochromatic artwork. High-contrast black-and-white graphics accentuate clarity and aggressiveness in this deck's symbolic interpretations. Striking contrasts and intricate linework produce a visually appealing deck that emphasises card symbolism without colour distraction.

The Black and White Tarot is a popular tool for both experienced and novice readers because of its streamlined appearance and innovative approach, emphasising pictorial form and structure.‎

Tarot of Dreams

Ciro Marchetti's Tarot of Dreams, produced in 2009, is a gorgeous deck with intricate artwork and inventive design. The deck's elaborate digital images combine fantasies, surrealism, and dream-like imagery for an immersive experience. Each card is designed to inspire wonder and investigation, featuring intricate backdrops and symbolic embellishments to boost reading comprehension.

Marchetti's Tarot of Dreams is popular with people who value an aesthetically dynamic and emotive approach to tarot, combining conventional symbolism with her distinctive artistic vision.‎

Types of Tarot Readings


General Tarot readings offer insights into a querent's life circumstances, including improvement in oneself, connections, and job development. These powerful readings concentrate on the general momentum or patterns in the querent's existence rather than specific queries or issues.


Question-based tarot readings address questions about major life events. This reading addresses specific issues or decisions by drawing cards to provide concentrated insights and guidance. The reading focuses on a specific topic, such as a relationship, professional choice, or personal challenge, to provide clarity, explore outcomes, and recommend actions.‎


A theme-based Tarot reading focuses on a particular theme or facet relating to the querent's life, such as personal growth, relationships, or employment. This reading uses cards to investigate the chosen theme and its impact on the client's current condition and prospects.‎

Theme-based consultations are often used for love tarot readings, where the card meanings are focused on love and relationships.

Past or Future

Past or future Tarot readings explore particular period frames, where the tarot reader can reveal how past or future events affect their current condition.

In a past-focused reading, cards analyse previous occurrences and their influence on the present, showing how previous behaviours, relationships, and decisions shape the present. In contrast, a future-oriented reading offers insight into probable outcomes and patterns, guiding preparation for future events.

Yes or No

A yes-or-no Tarot reading offers a clear answer to a binary question. This reading involves drawing one card or utilising a specific spread to see if the query responds positively or negatively. Yes or no tarot is good for quick judgments or clarifying immediate issues due to its simplicity.

One Card

A one-card Tarot interpretation provides information on a specific subject or scenario by drawing one card. The reading is brief and concentrated, summarising the primary message or energy associated with the query.

This tool is useful for rapid replies or daily tarot readings for a single piece of advice. A simple one-card reading can provide valuable insights, highlighting essential themes or aspects that require attention.‎

How to Read Tarot Cards?

1. Choose a Deck That Speaks to You

You must connect with your tarot deck. Find a deck that matches your energy, whether through artistic endeavours, symbolism, or general disposition.‎

2. Get to Know Each Cards Meaning

You must know the meaning of each tarot card. Explore imagery, symbolic meanings, and traditional interpretations. Practice sharpening your interpretation skills by identifying and analysing card meanings during readings. This requires time, so refrain from giving up.

3. What Do You Want to Get Out of the Reading?

Define your reading goal before starting. Knowing your goals can help you focus your reading, whether seeking assistance or general ideas. Tarot readings can offer deeper insights into a situation and its spirituality through open-ended questions.

4. Shuffle the Deck

Shuffle the tarot deck to clear energy and prepare for the reading. Energise your cards by focusing on your query or intention while shuffling.‎

5. Lay Cards Out

Spread the cards after shuffling. The spread you select depends on the reading kind and queries you have. Follow your gut and put them in a way that seems appropriate.‎

6. Interpret the Cards

Combining intuition and card meanings is how to interpret them. Consider the placement and relationship of all the cards in the spread.‎

7. Reflect on the Reading

After interpreting the cards, consider the messages. Consider how the text relates to the present scenario and what steps you can take.‎

How to Read Tarot Cards for Yourself?

Set the Scene

Your reading space should be peaceful and sacred. Set the ambience and focus with candles, incense, or soothing music.‎

Choose Your Deck

Choose a deck that matches your energy or question. Your connection to the deck enhances reading accuracy.‎

State Intention

Declare your intent before drawing cards. You may have something to ask, seek counsel, or seek clarification in some component of your life.‎

Draw Cards

After setting your intention, draw your reading cards. Consider any feelings or thoughts that come to you during the process for additional insights.‎

Interpret Cards

When interpreting cards, take time to examine both traditional and intuitive meanings. Consider how they pertain to you in the best way.‎


When reflecting on a reading, analyse the lessons and suggestions the cards offer. After reading the cards, reflect on how the symbolism, pictures, and messages apply to your current life.

Close the Reading

Concluding the reading includes honouring the process and easing the transition back to daily life. Start by thanking the cards for their insights and guidance. Save or cleanse the deck and record essential messages or reflections for future reference.‎

How to Read Tarot Cards for Someone Else?

Establish Boundaries

Clear boundaries are essential while reading for others. Inform your client that tarot is a means for advice, not an all-encompassing response.‎

Create a Comfortable Environment

Your client should feel relaxed and comfortable. A quiet environment can help you both concentrate on your reading.‎

Prepare Client

Explain the reading method to your client before commencing. Advise your client to make notes, concentrate on their questions, and remain open-minded.


Conducting a tarot reading for an individual requires the reader to listen carefully to the querent to give a successful, accurate reading. Pay attention to customer speech and questions to comprehend their concerns better.‎

Be Sensitive

Make sympathetic and respectful interpretations, avoiding categorical pronouncements that may cause any anxiety.‎

Be Honest

Honesty is as important as sensitivity. A confident reader will give honest and clear insights from the tarot cards, carefully considering the querent's challenges.‎

Follow Up

Ask your client how they feel after the reading. Provide further guidance and encourage continued thought on the reading.‎

Choosing a Tarot Spread

Selecting a Tarot spread entails selecting a layout that aligns with the reading's focus. Your spread selection depends on the subject matter of your inquiry or desired insight.

A simple spread of a One-card reading is suitable for everyday guidance, while more complicated spreads like the Celtic Cross or three-card spreads offer deeper insights into specific concerns or life themes.

When choosing a spread, evaluate the extensiveness of the search and desired level of detail to ensure it meets your goals and efficiently reveals essential information.‎

What's the Purpose of the Reading

Tarot readings provide guidance and clarity on personal growth, relationships, and decision-making. Drawing and comprehending cards can reveal patterns and hidden influences and provide intuitive guidance for specific queries or concerns.

Remember a reading intends to enhance comprehension, offer fresh views, and guide you through problems and opportunities with better awareness and intention.‎

How Experienced Are You?

Your experience in tarot reading significantly impacts your approach. Learners can focus on basic card meanings and easy two-card spreads, while advanced readers can explore complicated spreads and intuitive interpretations.

If you are new to tarot, begin with simple techniques and gradually improve your interpretation skills. Highly qualified readers combine established readings with intuition to gain more significant insights. ‎

Trust Your Instincts

Trusting your intuition throughout a Tarot reading means interpreting cards based on your intuitive impressions and sentiments. Although traditional symbols and meanings give a framework, human intuition can bring additional insights and complexities.

Be mindful of your gut reactions, emotional responses, and subtle hints while using the tarot cards. These intuitive conclusions can improve your comprehension and personalise the reading, enabling a deeper connection with the instruction.‎

Types of Tarot Spreads

Horseshoe Spread

Seven-card Horseshoe spreads reveal distinct facets of the querent's predicament.

Justice symbolises the past, emphasising balance and fairness. The current Queen of Swords reflects a loyal yet uncompromising attitude. The Ten of Pentacles reveals hidden influences, indicating missing financial prospects. The Nine of Wands represents the resilience of the querent amid scepticism. The Sun reflects external influences, indicating positive encouragement from others. The inverted Three of Swords suggests open communication to resolve issues. The flipped Ace of Cups indicates impending disappointment and emphasises emotional awareness.

The Horseshoe spread, focusing on the foreseeable future, is excellent for helping Querents build an intelligent strategy for their query.‎

Decision Spread

Decision Spreads are Tarot layouts that aid in evaluating possibilities when making a decision. Usually, this spread involves choosing cards for each option, representing probable outcomes, pros, drawbacks, and influences.

The spread helps you make informed and confident decisions by comparing cards drawn for each option, revealing possible implications and crucial elements to consider. This spread is beneficial for evaluating several options or determining the best way to take action on major life events.‎

Three Card Spread

The three-card Tarot spread can reveal many facets of your life. By randomly picking three cards symbolising various aspects like love, personal development, or hurdles, you can obtain clarity on handling life's challenges with dignity and compassion.

Interpreting a 3-card spread can vary according to your scenario, such as past, present, and future; chances, obstacles, and suggestions; progress, deficits, and opportunities; or Interest, ability, and future opportunities.

In a three-card reading, focusing on essential themes provides a broad perspective of current conditions, enabling a deeper exploration of your inner life.‎

Celtic Cross Spread

The Celtic Cross or 10-card spread is the most used Tarot spread. The first two cards indicate current events and potential issues in Celtic Cross spreads. Positions 3 and 4 in a Celtic Cross layout represent past influences and prospects. Positions 5-6 in the Celtic Cross arrangement represent one's vision and the world.

The Celtic Cross spreading presents desires, worries, and potential consequences in the last four cards. These poses help you reach your subconscious and understand your anxieties and desires whilst providing valuable insights and guidance.‎

Pentagram Spread

The Pentagram Spread is a five-card arrangement that incorporates the pentagram's symbolic significance, which stands for harmony and balance in various aspects of life.

Every angle of the pentagram represents something unique: Spirit is at the top of the pyramid, symbolising the overarching spiritual lesson. The Air element on the left side deals with ideas and communication. The water element on the right side explores feelings and relationships. The Earth element, on the bottom left, represents stability and material concerns. The Fire element, on the bottom right, represents actions and desires.

This layout is excellent for getting a feel for the querent's issue from all angles.‎

How to Prepare for a Tarot Reading?

How to prepare for a tarot reading? The first step in getting the most out of a successful online Tarot reading is to figure out what kind of reading you want and which parts of your life need further explanation.

Take some time to research and pick a Tarot specialist whose approach and knowledge match your requirements.

Pick a quiet, undisturbed spot for your reading and come ready with a list of open-ended questions you want to ask the reader.

Be open and relaxed by clearing your mind of any negative energies doing so will enrich the experience for you and the reader.

Finally, take notes or document the session so you can reflect on the insights later, giving the lessons plenty of time to sink in properly.‎

How to Cleanse Your Tarot Deck?

Put Your Energy Into the Tarot Card Deck

Placing your focus on the cards might assist in dispelling negative energies from the past. Spread out the cards in your hand like a fan. Relax and begin to blow over the spread cards. If you want to start reading on a fresh note but the energy isn't too heavy, this method is perfect for a fast cleanse.

Professional tarot readers often choose to purify their cards using transparent quartz, or amethyst. Placing a crystal on top of the deck will cleanse the deck of any negative energy by absorbing the vibrations from the deck.

Read our guide on cleaning your tarot cards.

Handle the Cards

Sometimes, all it takes to release pent-up energy is a fast sort of the cards. Just lay down the deck straight, beginning with the Majors. As you go along, keep an eye on the cards and try to remember what they imply. The next step is rearranging the cards until you sense a fresh energy flowing into them. For a spiritual reawakening or revival, try shuffling the deck seven times. ‎

Meditate With the Deck

You may purify your soul and your tarot deck simultaneously through meditation. Closing your eyes and pressing the cards together is all it takes. Picture yourself radiating a golden or white light that flows into the cards. You and the cards can find harmony through this visualisation.

Personalize Deck

Adding your touches to the tarot deck can help you feel more connected. You can personalise the cards with unique symbols, write affirmations, or keep them in a meaningful container. There are additional benefits to a customised deck as you can significantly enhance your deck's usability and aesthetic appeal by incorporating one-of-a-kind features into its design.

How to Shuffle, Cut and Pull Tarot Cards?

  • Shuffle: A simple shuffling motion does more than modify the order of the cards. This meditative procedure lets you channel your energy into the cards and concentrate on your query.‎
  • Cut: After shuffling, Divide the cards into three halves. This represents the dissolution of time and space, representing the past, present, and future.
  • Pull: Choose by feeling the cards or taking them from the upper part of the deck. How you draw the cards affects your interpretation of the reading and its messages.‎

How to Interpret Tarot Cards?

Knowing the conventional Tarot card meanings and how they apply to the current question or circumstance is essential for accurate interpretation. Examine the cards' symbolism, imagery, and placement to decipher their meanings in the spread. Be mindful of your intuition and consider any ideas, emotions, or impressions when you look at the cards.

Remember that the context is essential, so think about the relationships between the cards and how they fit into the reading. ‎

Tarot Readings With Trusted Psychics

Trusted Psychics is a reputable psychic reading service with a stellar reputation for accuracy and accurate insights, making obtaining the best tarot reading online easy.

With only a click, you can contact a professional ‎Tarot reader online who has been selected for their extensive knowledge and insight into the cards. You can trust that Trusted Psychics has the best online reading for you because every online reader has an extensive internet profile and positive, 5-star reviews.

The Trusted Psychic online tarot reading service has thousands of callers every day. With its affordable prices and convenient customer support, getting a cheap tarot reading online is easy and popular with all age groups.

Trusted Psychics offers a trustworthy and straightforward approach to learning about the tarot from the convenience of your home, whether you are looking for answers on love and relationships or direction or want to know what the future holds.‎

Join the thousands of people who contact Trusted Psychics to speak to highly acclaimed live psychic readers for an accurate tarot reading.


How Do You Start Reading Tarot Cards?

Before you start reading tarot cards, you need to learn about the meanings of the cards down to the Major and Minor Arcana. While you concentrate on your query or goal, shuffling the deck can help. Use a predetermined layout to draw your cards; a simple three-card spread is one example. Use your intuition in conjunction with the traditional interpretations of the cards to make sense of the reading.‎

Can You Read Your Own Tarot Cards?

Yes, it is possible to do a free tarot reading for yourself. For many, it is a powerful tool for introspection and self-discovery. Being impartial and open-minded is vital in this process so that one's own biases don't taint their interpretation.‎

Are Online Tarot Readings As Good As Face-to-Face Readings?

You may connect with top-notch readers from any part of the globe without leaving your house when you get an online tarot reading. It's incredibly convenient and easy. To further assist you in making an educated decision, many internet platforms offer comprehensive profiles along with consumer reviews.

How Many Tarot Cards Do You Pull?

Various Tarot reading types and spreads call for different numbers of cards. You can get a quick answer to a simple question by drawing just one card. More in-depth readings frequently employ spreads with three, four, or even ten cards. Depending on the spread you select, the number of cards drawn and their meaning are both affected.‎

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