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Sofia - 1256

Hi, I'm Sofia. I'm a certified Tarot reader and Reiki practitioner with many years of experience. I connect with my spirit, and my angel guides and my ancestors, who have passed their intuitive gifts onto me. I aim to use these gifts to bring you answers to pressing questions and clarity when confusion is all around. I specialise in tarot and oracle readings on love, work, money, or family-related issues. I offer quick general readings or a more in-depth reading with additional insights tailored to your specific questions. You can request readings to cover the day, week, month or an in-depth 12-month calendar reading. I will work with my spirit guides to give you clear insights into your current situation and help you find the pathway to answers. I do not judge and will use the light from the universe to help me connect with you. Call me for a friendly and professional reading, and I will try my very best to guide you in the right direction. PIN 1256

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What are your other skills that you use to compliment your work as a committed caring and dedicated reader?

My area of expertise is holistic healing, and I serve the public as a tarot and oracle reader and Reiki practitioner. I use many different types of decks to answer questions about love, money, work and family issues, and at times, I have been known to use multiple decks in a single read for additional insights. For example, I may instinctively feel the need the to use a mix of tarot, angel message cards, angel numbers and kipper cards for in-depth readings, however, most importantly the readings will always be tailored to the callers needs, requirements and questions, making each reading a unique experience. Intuition and spirituality are tools that have been passed down to me from my ancestors. I use meditation to call upon my angel guides and ancestors to help me connect to the divine. During meditation, I regularly use natural crystals, sun and moon water, candles and natural oils, spices and flowers to aid and heighten my gifts. This is to ensure that I am on form and that my clients are getting clear, focused and useful messages from the cards My heightened intuition is then used to translate the messages sent from the universe via the tarot, oracle and angel cards. During the readings, my guides may, at times, come through with visions, music, aromas, words or messages as a gift to nudge me in the right direction. I am also a certified Reiki practitioner. Reiki is considered a universal healing energy and complimentary therapy that considers the mind, the body and the spirit. The healing energy and sacred symbols remove negative energy from all three. This is a service that I regularly provide to family and friends, in person and remotely, to those who live far away.

What can you offer your valued callers when they call for a Private Consultation with you?

During private consultations, I can provide answers to yes or no questions using tarot cards and oracle cards. I cover subjects such as love and relationships, work, money or family issues. The type of consultation is tailored to suit the enquirer and their enquiry. You can request a quick basic 3-card reading using traditional tarot cards; this can be extended to include some oracle card or angel message. You can also choose to have more in-depth readings or daily, weekly or monthly readings. You can choose to stick to tarot decks or have a mix of oracles included, or you can leave it to my intuition and allow me to be guided to the messages. The greatest importance is client satisfaction, so please feel free to ask for a bespoke reading, and I will tailor our time to meet your needs.