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Major Arcana Tarot

The Major Arcana Tarot

There are 22 major arcana cards in a tarot deck, and these cards relate to the significant moments in life. But what does the major arcana tarot card mean?

How Crystals and Tarot Cards Work Together

How Crystals and Tarot Cards Work Together

Discover how crystals and tarot cards work together to enhance intuition, and deepen spiritual connections in your life.

Tarot Cards that Indicate a Potential Breakup

Tarot Cards that Indicate a Potential Breakup

Reveal Tarot Cards that indicate a potential breakup. Gain insights into your love life, understand the signs, and prepare for changes ahead.

5 Interesting Things About Tarot Cards

5 Interesting Things About Tarot Cards

 Many people are unsure about tarot cards because they do not understand them—to the untrained eye, tarot cards may even seem sinister. The truth is, tarot cards are not evil, and they are often used for good. Tarot cards can be a helpful tool for self-reflection and understanding yourself. While tarot cards cannot tell you exactly what will happen, they can give you an insight into what could happen if you make certain choices. Today, we will discuss five things you should know about tarot cards.

Find Love with the Law of Attraction

Find Love with the Law of Attraction

Finding love with the law of attraction is easier than you think. When it comes to cosmic ordering, positivity attracts positivity. Bärbel Mohr, a German author who taught metaphysics during the 1970s and 1980s, proposed cosmic ordering as a form of optimistic thinking. She thought that simply listing one's wish list and waiting for it to come true might help people achieve their goals. 

The Realities of Karma

What Is Karma?

What is Karma? Karma is a belief that originates from Hinduism and Buddhism. Learn more about the types of Karma from the experts at Trusted Psychics.

The Law of Attraction Explained

The Law of Attraction Explained

Dive into the Law of Attraction Explained! Unravel its principles, learn how it influences your life, and harness its power for personal growth and success.

Can I Control My Luck?

Can I Control My Luck?

Some people say that being lucky is when good things happen to you that you did not have to work hard for. Others say that being lucky is being in the right place at the right time; furthermore, many people believe that the harder you work, the luckier you become. There are a lot of different ways to be lucky. Some people are born into luck, while others have to create their luck. Sometimes, people get lucky because they take chances/risks. The truth is, there is no one definition of luck—it means different things to different people.

What is New Thought?

What is New Thought?

New Thought, also known as Higher Thought, is a movement that started in the USA during the 1830s. The teachings mostly focused on well-being, the mind, and the workings of the universe.

5 Things that Block the Law of Attraction

5 Things that Block the Law of Attraction

The law of attraction suggests that if you concentrate on something you really want, it will eventually be yours. According to the law of attraction, if you focus on something your heart really wants, you can harness the power of the universe and will it into your life. Even though applying the law of attraction to your life sounds simple, most people struggle with it. The mind is powerful, but to properly utilise the law of attraction, you must believe in it wholeheartedly. Using the law of attraction is not something you can fake.

How to Control Your Luck

Can Luck Be Controlled?

Can luck be controlled to change your future? It's important to understand the power of luck and karma and learn ways that you can increase your luck.

The 12 Ghosts in the Tower of London

The 12 Ghosts in the Tower of London

The Tower of London, officially Her Majesty’s Royal Palace, was built by William the Conqueror in 1078 and was seen as a symbol of oppression. While the Tower of London is magnificent in its aesthetic, it has a dark history and has witnessed some of the most horrific scenes. Three English Queens were executed at the Tower of London, Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard, and Lady Jane Grey; if that was not enough, the Duke of Gloucester locked up and murdered two young princes in the Tower of London.